Combustion Air

CFW provides centrifugal fans and blowers to supply air for burning in boilers, kilns and ovens. If the combustion air fan supplies too little air, fuel will yield less energy than it otherwise would. Inadequate combustion air supply can also result in greater fouling from soot in boilers, or the generation of excessive carbon monoxide.

It is important to note that modifications to a combustion system, or poor maintenance, can also lead to a lack of combustion air. Anything that causes a pressure drop in the air supply to the boiler, including the installation of new exhaust fans in the boiler room without adding makeup air capacity, reduces the effective capacity of the combustion air fan.


Due to our continued efforts to improve product design and performance, CFW reserves the right to alter any product details specified here without notice.

CFW Cape Town

3 Parin Road, Parow Industria,
7493, Western Cape, South Africa


Latitude: -26.103462
Longitude: 28.173319


+27 (0)21 931 8331

Customer Queries

CFW Johannesburg

4 Chilworth Road, Founders View North, Modderfontein, Edenvale, 1645, Gauteng


Latitude: -33.928757
Longitude: 18.608718


+27 (0)11 452 5830 / 5146

Direct Numbers

Port Elizabeth Sales: +27 (0)83 301 6357
Port Elizabeth Servicing: +27 (0)83 301 6357/ +27 (0)81 892 4582
Gauteng / Kwa Zulu Natal: +27 (0)83 501 6535
Large / Heavy Duty Fans: +27 (0)83 778 7555
Customer Queries: +27 (0)83 301 6357


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